Sara Calabro life coach

Sara Calabro, Founder of Element Coaching

What would you rather be doing right now?

This is a question I’ve been asking people since I was a kid. I think I was hoping someone’s response would point me in the right direction since “What would I rather be doing?” was always such a tough question for me to answer.

Throughout my 20s, 30s, and early 40s, I was a chronic city and job jumper. New York, Portland, Los Angeles. Consulting, journalism, marketing. Somewhere along the line, I even became an acupuncturist.

My acupuncture experience gave me a taste of what it feels like to be aligned with my work. The theories behind Chinese medicine are fascinating and changed my perspective on so many things. They inspired me to start a publication and podcast, write columns and books, and build a directory of acupuncturists.

Although I practiced acupuncture for years in private and community clinics throughout New York City, the imposter voices in my head were very loud. I was overwhelmed by feelings of unworthiness and fear. I didn’t believe I was capable of offering enough value to justify charging for treatments. I felt like a fraud and eventually gave up.

At a loss for what to do next, I took a sharp left toward working in tech, a chapter that pushed me to my breaking point. In my last role, I was designing digital products and making multiple six-figures a year—and I was miserable. I was so tired of feeling inauthentic, of trying so hard to stay safe that I let my life force drain out of me.

There I was, more financially secure yet more unhappy and depleted than ever. I had just hit my mid-40s and the moment woke me up. I made a decision: It was non-negotiable for the second half of my life to feel more energized and on-purpose.

Six months after quitting my tech job, I enrolled in Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Life Coach Training. Immediately, I was flooded with ideas about how the nature-based principles of Five Element acupuncture could be combined with coaching frameworks to make them more personalized and powerful.

This merging of modalities became Element Coaching, my coaching practice dedicated to helping people tune in to the heartbeat of life so they can call in what they truly desire.

If you’re on a similar journey to mine—wanting to live with more vibrancy, ease, and meaning yet feeling confused, weary, and suspicious that it’s even possible—let’s connect.

  • I’m a transformational coach who’s always looking to go a level deeper.

    What’s the question beneath your question, the goal beneath your goal, the decision beneath your decision?

    These explorations can be uncomfortable and confronting—and they’re where real transformation lives.

    I coach people who are ready to do this uncomfortable, confronting work. Who accept fear as a prerequisite for change. Who mean it when they say they’re committed to leveling up.

    These qualities are non-negotiable because my coaching philosophy is that you are the only authority on your life.

    I don’t tell you what to do or give advice. I help you tap into your own inner wisdom so you can make choices that are authentically right for you.

    I do that mostly through listening with complete attention and asking you powerful questions.

    If listening and questioning are the two primary “hows” of my coaching style, noticing and moving are the two primary outcomes.

    Noticing is about expanding your self-awareness so you’re more connected to your strengths, desires, and options.

    Moving is about taking decisive action to identify, pursue, and achieve what you want in your next act.

    If this sounds like what you need right now, let’s connect.

  • Certifications and licenses:

    • Certified Wayfinder Life Coach

    • Certified ICF Coach

    • Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), New York - Inactive

    • Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), Oregon - Inactive

    • Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), Rhode Island - Inactive


    • Master of Science (MS), Acupuncture

    • Bachelor of Arts (BA), English Literature


    • Martha Beck’s Wayfinder Coaching Model

    • Five Element acupuncture

    • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    • Kiiko Matsumoto’s Japanese acupuncture

    • Trigger point acupuncture

    • Acupressure

    • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    • Enneagram

    • Aromatherapy

    • Mindfulness meditation

    • Tuina massage

    • Qigong

    • Zero Balancing

    • NADA protocol

    • UX design
